September 2020

Tiered Communities

Tiered Communities Community exists on all levels, in all time-frames. That means that no matter how granular the magnification, whether we zoom in or zoom out, we will find Community. Also no matter whether we take a long-range perspective or look at just a micro-second, we will find evidence of Community Interaction. For the Sociologist,

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Funding via Community Events and Business Arrangements

Funding via Community Events and Business Arrangements The actual specifics of our funding are the province of administrative office and directorship and involve regulations pertaining to CSB and Governmental Agencies far beyond the kin of this committee. However, the described ‘funding’ arrangements that pertain to Community Events and arrangements within the Business Community are not

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Foods Industry Internship

Foods Industry Internship The Food Services Industry Internship program began as a way to place those of our Members who wanted a little more responsibility while earning some pay into on-going roles and positions in-house here at our day-treatment facility. Our budget was low and the positions were very part-time and laid back. However, they

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Recruiting Recruiting for Harmony House takes two forms: Recruitment of Individuals for Inclusion in some aspect of our diverse social services program. This can sometimes be (but not necessarily restricted to): –Membership in our Day Treatment facility; —Part of our Supportive Employment Program; —part of our Community Engagement program; —placement within one of our programmatic aspect from outside

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How We Made This Work

How We Made This Work We recognized from the start that much of the new program relied on the considerable but unique talents of each of our professional staff. Considering the raw man-power and herculean effort that would be required to affect our vision, we were at once overwhelmed and quite honestly a little dubious

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What Are Social Labs

What Are Social Labs? There is a rather tight consensus around the formal definition of Social Labs including various dogmatic declarations about what they are not, which have been strongly asserted, often by professionals with vested turf to defend. Although nobody is threatening this sacred ground, these professionals often lose sight of the fundamentals of

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Social Lab 2.0

Social Labs 2.0 (Dignity not Stigma) Good General Health and Wellbeing include good Mental Health and certainly Healthy Epigenetic Expression involves the experience of holistic perceptions of the Self and its meaningful subjectivities and value within a context of community inclusiveness which features autonomy and dignity (as well as agentiality). Marginalization from the surrounding community

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Small Groups

Small Groups Culture Small Groups are not necessarily a means to any pre-determined end; they can be simply a response to just a handful of people who sense the need for belonging to a community. People often intuitively feel the need to bring a layer of structure and intentionality to a life that somehow only

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Information Systems Platform

Information Systems Platform At the heart of our core Platform is an on-line Information Systems Architecture. Employing our Proprietary CMS technologies that support the collection, management, and publication of digital information, we develop and deploy dynamic interfaces with our multi-layered Communities, including responsive apps and social media. All are custom tailored and immanently redisignable  according

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