Zones of Domination
Complex Assemblage
Even the most complex assemblage of structures has interconnections and developmental history. Just like the human brain, the evolution is built on top of preceding systems, typically utilizing the previous forms and functions to undergird the current edifice. There will be numerous service entrances and interconnected passageways, crawl-space, and duct-work.
An assemblage is a structure that is composed of many different parts that are assembled together to create a whole. This could be anything from a building, to food on your plate. These assemblages are made up of many different components that have their own history, context, and development process.
A complex assemblage can be any intricate system or structure that consists of many interconnected parts. It has its own developmental history and interconnections to other structures.
The history of the brain is a history of evolution, building on what came before to form the current system. The same is true for the evolution of service ecosystems. A new entrant in a market will usually take advantage of existing structures and functions in order to offer a service that doesn’t exist in the current ecosystem.
Building Informational Circuitry
In the digital age, virtual space is our playground. In this technological landscape, all matter can be simulated and replicated. Categories of Information Circuitry are cataloged and classified under a binary system of 0s and 1s.
We can’t be sure how to think of these units, even as we know that they’re self-similar and fractal. But the impact of what we create is clear: We build larger structures, and with each iteration, our connections become more complex.
Viewed in this way, anything we can build is simply an iteration of a cubical matrix of self-similar fractal units. Once they are cataloged and classified as Information Circuitry, these can be replicated and modeled to form distributed modular systems.
We can create a world that is safer and more open by building collaborative and regulated circuitry, because their Behavior becomes a predictable known.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to connect everything and everyone. But as we’ve seen with the rise of cyber security threats, this connectivity also has the potential to make us more vulnerable. The good news is we now have several technical approaches that can help us build collaborative, interoperable circuitry – such as decentralized architectures, cryptography, and privacy-preserving data analytics.
The Dimensions of Information Space
An information space is the totality of all the information that is connected with the operant knower.. This includes everything from what we can know and perceive, to what we can imagine and dream and even those things that we cannot know about because they are outside the bounds of reality. The operant knower might be human, animal, cyborg, transdimensional or computer hardware, information networks or thier software applications. Information space is the space within which information takes shape.
Information spaces are not static or fixed entities but rather they change as new knowledge is acquired, as boundaries between fields grow more distinct, as technologies change and as culture evolves.
The study of information space can be approached from a variety of perspectives including: an ontological point of view, a discourse point-of-view, a computational point-of-view and a constructivist point-of-view.
Memetic Connections
In the same way that these stairs connect the separate stories of a building, various sublevels of Social stratification are accessed through graduated memetics.
Social stratification is a phenomenon that can be observed in the societies of all social animals. The higher up the social ladder you go, the more resources and privileges you receive. In human society, this translates to privilege, wealth and power. This hierarchical system can be seen in many aspects of social life such as education, work and law enforcement, and must be communicated via some type of psycho-emotional medium. Current thinking sees the individual as an agent with membership in an ecosystem of collective memetics.
The idea of memes and memetics is not new. The word “meme” is a neologism coined by the British biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, which introduced the concept, as an analogy of “gene” that itself provides a synonym for “idea” or “concept.” In his book, he argued that “a meme is a unit or packet of information in any form or medium whatsoever that when communicated from one person to another does some mental or physical work on the person who receives it.”
So, a meme is a unit of information that communicates a certain idea, thought, feeling, etc., from one individual to another. Memes can be found in various places such as text messages, social media posts and images that are shared on different platforms.
Memetic connections are seen when two people post memes with identical content across multiple social media networks at the same time. Instances of this are so intertwined that it is often difficult to determine which memes originate from which account.
The Role of Memetics in Information Space and Dynamic Network Circuitry
Memetics is the study of memes in terms of their use and importance to human culture. Information space is the medium in which memetic evolution occurs. Memetics are often studied in relation to theories on culture, cognition, and evolution, with ties to disciplines including ethology, sociobiology, psychology, artificial intelligence, marketing/advertising research, literary criticism and philosophy.
Memetic theory presents a framework for conceptualizing how information spreads through populations.
Space is not just physical. Intangibles such as Information or Values can make up an even greater volume of virtual space.
Virtual space is defined as an abstract concept of space. For example, virtual space can be defined by the information that occupies a certain amount of storage on a computer or the value that an individual assigns to something in their life.
Virtual space is not just intangible concepts such as information or values. There are many other examples of virtual spaces such as when someone lives in their own world and when they create their own environment when they play video games.
Memes and Bubble-Worlds, Echo-chambers, and Confirmation Bias
The internet has created a society of echo-chambers aka Bubble-Worlds where people with the same opinions, interests, and values have been largely isolated from conflicting perspectives. In this society, memes can be used as a form of propaganda to reinforce beliefs and persuade the masses. Astro Turf and Social media exploitation create illusions and factual mirages.
Social media is a powerful tool for community engagement, but has become the weapon of choice for spreading propaganda. It can be used to generate misapprehensions and charlatanry to reinforce intentional deception of people. This can easily be done by planting fake accounts in social media conversations, or by paying confederates to post pro-ideology comments and by trolling legitimate causes.
The experienced Social Architect is aware of all this and can turn network sabotage into corporate gold when management recognizes this wizardry and resists the urge to panic. Otherwise, the establishment will careen wildly off course, disrupted and imbalanced and the competition will leverage this to their advantage. A good fundamental knowledge of the principles of Social Theory can inform the leadership of the structural strength of social institution and the interconnective substructure of processural utilities going on down in the basement, which afford the Social Architect ample access to tunnels of strategy and responsive engineering.