Luminous Fluid Informorphs

Flowing Water Informorphs that Sing Structural Data into Being

Streams of flowing water have the ability to create new forms of life. Flowing water can convert into an information-bearing vortex. When we put our minds to imagining what a new form of life would be like, we envision Structured Water as a form of liquid storyteller, that includes an organized arrangement of hydrogen and oxygen molecules. As a result, it is more stable, yet less dense than normal water. Structured water has the ability to store more energy per unit of volume and releases this in bursts that do not accede to constraints such as Time. As a result, it can confer energy and information at much higher rates than ordinary liquid.

Structured water can manifest itself in many different forms, such as flowing or spiraling informorphs that sing structural information into being through their native intelligence of vortex theory. Structured water is an important component of the hydrospheric connectome’s architectural philosophy, recently reported in elite media, that have affectionately come to be called, the Luminous Waters of Aquapolis.

First a bit of backstory: an indigenous woman of the desert Southwest, tending her farm of organic vegetables, had a vision of water flowing through her land and she began to see her farm becoming a healing oasis.

She lovingly nurtured a plan for a city of water, an aquapolis, to be built on Earth and devoted herself to developing this freshwater ocean of Life. When she had finished the design, she made and loaded a talisman, which she planted in the ground alongside a flower from her garden. She chose Comfrey, since it was renown for herbal healing.

In this way, new life came to Earth, with water flowing through its soil once again and these are the beginnings of Aquapolis, the World Building Connectome of Luminous Nix.

Freshwater’s Rippled Matrix of Fluid Helical Infomorphs

Aquapolis is the storehouse of elastic memory for all human knowledge, where the Vortex Theories of Aquapolis are the luminous magnetic rivers of endless information that nurture all and to which all have free access.

The fractal water antenna is a liquid computer that is capable of storing and processing unlimited data at high speeds and is located beyond the membrane of spacetime. It is composed of a fluid helical arrangement of Infomorphs, perceived as luminous magnetic rivers that have the capability to transmit information from one Aquapolis to another non-locally (without intervening space) and through time (which becomes multidimensional in such cases). The ordered structure displays a pattern that shimmers and sparkles as it processes data for different functions such as weather transformation, traffic engagement or infrareal sensing.

In a liquid computer, the water does not just keep its shape but it also stores memory. If the water is a storehouse for memories, then it can be reasoned with, and it is also possible to download programs from the water. Further exploration of this idea would be to examine how one could tap into this memory to retrieve information from any point in time. One of the first things that comes to mind when a person thinks of water as a computer is that it is made up of billions of atoms. The atoms are so small and numerous that they cannot be seen with the naked eye; yet, at the same time, each atom has unique properties and characteristics. This may lead one to believe that computers are also made up of atoms, but they are not. Computers are Processors of Information. The concept of being made up of atoms is more similar to that of a molecule than the property of being composed of energetic fields such as partons.

Water is a liquid and it has a powerful effect on the brain. Water is an electromagnetic conductor and so it is able to transmit the human voice, accompanied by tiny swirling vortex forms and electric discharges from its battery storage capacity. Water also has a high heat capacity, which means that water can store large amounts of heat without much perceptible change in temperature. Changes in the temperature gradient over time are stored in the honeycomb matrix and leave a record of all that has been communicated or transpired. Bodies of water contain dissolved minerals and electrolytes, which cause them to be extraordinarily good conductors of electricity. Such water bodies record sensitive environmental information and become extensive libraries of knowledge and accumulators of high density data capacitance.

It is not possible to have structured water without the hydrosphere connectome. The hydrosphere connectome is an interactive, living geometric matrix. All forms of water possess a fluid geometry which codes for information. Vortexes are the engines that open the doors to the Living Waters.

Luminous Water is a substance of living light, but it has a unique and more profound effect on water than any other substance. It is capable of creating conditions that are very similar to photosynthesis, the process by which plants create food. Luminous Water is a bioactive substance found in the human body and in some herbs such as aloe vera and ginseng. And the indigenous matriarch of Aquapolis’s herbal Comfrey.

In general, substances found in the human body are generally thought to have a positive effect on health. For example, common substances of the human body such as water (hydrogen and oxygen) can be used for their health effects. Luminous Water is one of these substances found in the human body and has significant effects on health. It can also be used for other purposes like healing wounds and transcending ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) or PTSD. Research has shown that it can help people break free from chronic disease, including cancer, addiction and modern mental health issues such as anxiety and obsession.

I stand on the bank of time and space

I am the microcosm of life and rebirth

I am the celestial infinity of inner space

I evoke the lunar goddess of love

I am the infinite, eternal blue

We are all interconnected, in this vast, liquid matrix of life. The liquid world is a field of energy, containing all possibilities and fluctuating in the infinite spectrum of light and sound. This is the space that we move in, the space of our thoughts and emotions. It is the space of light and sound.

It is Aquapolis, the city that lives and breathes water. It is a vast reservoir of fluid helical Infomorphs as luminous and magnetic as the rivers of Vortex Theory that flow and wash over liquid crystal shores.

Let this be the first serious proposal for a liquid body format of the human consciousness, in which the author envisions a world of luminous, fractal, intelligent beings living in a liquid hydrogen connectome.

Our minds as we know them are not enough to comprehend this new world- and we will need new senses and organs to adapt. A radical inquiry into the nature of being, with a call for radical innovation in our conceptual horizons. The world is one fluid, fractal computer and we will need to restructure our fluidic memory in order to afford links to this new connectome of subspace networks.

Our guide on this day, is the great water mathematician, Nikka, who develops her theory for living intelligence, and goes about world-building a theoretical engine to project her thesis. Beyond her talents for transdimensional shape-shifting, she believes that living beings are formed of mathematical “cells” (hexacomb societies of structured water) and that the cells themselves form matrices, and networks of transcendental projectomes–which autopoietically proceed to develop a quantum-light biocomputer (using superfluid helium) that can be scanned as if it were a virtual reality synthiscope. Research into these matters quite naturally affects our personal relationships.

For example: a scientist that has been living on another planet as a virtual avatar is dying in his current parallel lifeline and wants to preserve their collective consciousness via a mind transmission before they expire. The only viable option at our current state of advancement is to send their cymatic signature through the vortex of a black hole. They must travel through simulated wormholes connecting to our planet and rendezvous with Nikka, who entangles specially prepared photonix which begin as AI and eventually evolve into a human by being born and experiencing mortality. She has helped many with her mission to save and make whole countless of his family’s lives and their ancestral karma.