We believe that Mental Health and Wellbeing are extensions of overall Health and Wellbeing as well as engaged contribution to the Community.

Whether your Journey involves Membership and Personal Development or Continued Education and Professional Training, we are here for you.

Your Future Starts Here.

A Place To
Grow & Learn

Being connected can provide you with a sense of wellbeing and security that may be absent from your life if you struggle alone. Social support from understanding and compassionate peers alongside the professional guidance of seasoned veterans in the field afford you a serenity that allows you to pursue a life of greater meaning and self actualization.

Let us be your
Mental Health
& Wellbeing

We give you full support

What's happening

Something cool is always going on in the Community House environment. Below are just a few of the many exciting examples of what’s happening now.

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Getting Better

A connected life that is fulfilling and meaningful is a healthy life. Scientists recognize a ladder of needs where the basic steps must be satisfied at the ground-level before we ascend the rungs to the top. Whereas brooding in isolation leads to misery and problems, togetherness features Health and Wellbeing. Health is Wealth and Wellness is fun.

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Communities exist on all levels in all time-frames. They learn, adapt and grow.  From the membership community of peers, to the professional community, to the community at-large, all aspects of community benefit synergistically via our Community Engagement Initiative.

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Evidence Based Programs

The mental health field has witnessed a growth of research-based controlled studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of consumer-operated programs.

Consumer-valued outcomes of wellness promotion have laid the groundwork for wellbeing, hope, empowerment and recovery.

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Community House has many resident artists who help sponsor and teach other budding artists throughout our program. Our professional staff regularly conducts seminars in fine art, digital art and avant garde techiques.

Artistic expression is considered essential to Mental Health and Wellbeing as well as cultural enrichment.

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Community House maintains a dynamic presence in the community with numerous and ongoing get-togethers, outings, and events.

Our mutli-level development program is host to continuing community engagement for our own extended agency as well as for Contemporary Community Service too.

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Since all the way back to Jump Street, Community House has been helping young street musicians to put together their careers and portfolios for engagement in the Indie Music scene; both professionally and as an avocational talent.

We recognize Music as a cultural heritage and its power to move the soul in a positive way.

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Group Support Helped Me Find Myself

I entered the Navy right after high school and worked on a nuclear submarine. I had my first breakdown near the Philippines and was discharged. After I became a civilian, I got an associate degree and tried to start my own business. The pressure got to me and I relapsed again…

My membership at Community House has helped me to re-focus on what I want out of life and the staff there got me involved in the program for Business Start-ups.

Combining this knowledge and technological savvy and working with the Supportive Employment Program, I have been able to get my business up and going and currently have an online brand with authority presence. 

I meet people and network in the community which makes me feel a part of something. Before that, I felt isolated and stuck on the sidelines. My success can be an example to you and I would tell anybody, “don’t give up, there is hope!”

Why Community House

Provides day support services for adults living with mental concerns. Opportunities for social participation and life activities in a supportive environment.

Steeped in the Peer Recovery Movement where we are assisted by the learned experiences of others like us who have success in recovery, we firmly adhere to the principle of self-advocacy: ‘nothing about us without us’.

Provides education to service recipients through individualized rehabilitation and support plans designed to assist them to develop, and build upon, existing skills that will enable them to live independently in the community. Skill building areas include health and well-being, money management, cooking, shopping, transportation, socialization and safety

Provides vocational training and work opportunities in a dedicated and structured manner including paid work for individuals through opportunities on the “crew.” Also provides training, assistance with obtaining a job, and job coaching for individuals looking for community employment.

No person is an island entire of itself; every one of us is a part of the community and the community is a part of us. Social isolation is dreadfully unhealthy and we all need to feel connected and worthy. Our Community Engagement Initiative is one of the most innovative programs to come along. Get connected.

Provides a structured system for monitoring, reducing and eliminating uncomfortable or dangerous physical and emotional difficulties through planned responses. Using a customized Wellness Toolbox, assisted by support of our choice, it helps us to feel better more often and improves the overall quality of our life.

Where To Find Us

Community House Facility

We provide the highest quality in Recovery and Psycho-Social Rehab education, bridging your success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.

Community House is the pride of our Community Engagement Initiative: a leader in innovation and outstanding service.


Our main headquarters houses our 10-01 Organization facilities, including the Institute, Contemporary Services, Piedmont Publishing, administrative and Agency offices and numerous virtual rooms and multimedia facilities. It is strategically located adjacent to transportation vectors convenient to anywhere in regional towns and cities.

Future Self
Invest in a worthy cause...your future !
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Around the Bend…and into the Curve of Forever Becoming

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HH Development Lifetime
Deep Roots & Strong Branches
Harmony House
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Where there is Beauty there is Hope

From Virtualization, to Network Building, to Social Architecture, and Advocacy, there is so much to accomplish in #Rebuilding the #postcovid19 Society. 

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